

イスラムを選んでから何が起きたか What happened after Islam





水浴びる訳でもなく、鐘が鳴ったり、音楽があったり、有り難いお説教がある訳でもなく、成人ムスリムの前でアラビア語の文章読まされて、that's all! それが全て!




入信 ビフォーアフター



えっつ?と一瞬目を疑った。文字通り目を瞬いた。見るもの見るものが昨日までとは違っていたからだ。目の前に掛かっていた蚊帳の様な薄い生地をサッと取り払われたような、車に乗っていて窓がスルスルと開いたような、水中からプハっと水面に上がったような、世界がキラキラと、ほんとにキラキラキラキラと輝いていた。誰かが画像調整で明度もコントラストも上げちゃったように、物の鮮度が増したような見え方をする。魚の死んだ目が、黒々と  ヌメヌメと生き返り出したような。真剣 に周り見回した。天気のせいか?光のせいか?どうした今日は?花を見ても、木を見ても、生き物を見ても、おいおいどうした?なんでこんなに綺麗なんだ?何を見ても怖いほどに美しく美しくキラキラしていた。世界は美しい、と歩きながら感動でウルウルしていた。涙を隠すのに、焦った。



How to become a muslim


The way to become a muslim is unique.  In other words it is just "nothing".  We don't use water, bell, music or even a sermon.  I was told to read the Arabic sentences which are to testify God is the only one and the prophet Muhammad is the prophet and the messenger of God.

That was all!  
Recently understanding our needs maybe, it has bit ceremony like atmosphere.  Compared to my time, there are always many muslims celebrating you.  Also you can get a “Muslim Conversion Set” which includes things necessary for prayer and scurf for women.  Even special party for new muslims is arranged.  Excellent!  In my case although I became a muslim I was still being alone.  Yet I was relieved as I could complete what I had to do.
After becoming a muslim: the world was beautiful
It was the next day.  On the way to my muslim friend's place, I distrusted my own eyes. I literally twinkled my eyes.  All what I saw looked  completely different from yesterday.  As if a piece of dark cloth was taken away in front of my face, as if a car window was opened down while sitting inside car, as if I came up to the water surface from deep inside sea, all the world was glittering with beauty like fresh snow reflecting the sun light.  All looked more fresh as if someone enhanced the contrast and increased the brightness to adjust the image, to the degree that a dead fish recovered black and lively eyes.
I seriously looked around.  Is it because of the weather?  or the sun light?  What happened today?  Flowers, trees, animals, what happened with you all?  Why you are so beautiful?  They had awesome beauty.  Then I understood the world was beautiful.  My eyes brimmed with tears.
